Monthly Archives: November 2010

The Last Week for Y1S3

    Time do past really fast. Now is already week 7, the last week for Year 1 Sem 3. As the sem 3 almost comes to an end, so does the year 2010. 1 month plus and it will be a whole new year and next year, I’m going to be a Year 2 student ^^. Upgrade 1 level. This sem, there are some happy, sweet moment and also some “piss off” moment. But mostly the good ones. Although it’s a short sem, I also learned some valuable lessons and experiences from all the works and assignment stuffs. Hope I won’t repeat the same mistakes in the coming semester. So far, almost everything is done, now only left 1 more test which is the ethic test. Other than that, I going to try to enjoy this last week.

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Posted by on November 29, 2010 in Uncategorized


Death sentence for rapist?

    Yup, that’s the research that I need to do for moral assignment. The objective of the question that I’m doing is to evaluate whether is it wise to give a death sentence to the rapists for all the sins they had done. And guess what… some how I enjoy doing this assignment ^^. Once I start to write essay on it, I find it really hard to stop writing. I keep on typing and typing and I’m kinda addicted to it. This assignment is a group project and my team members and I had divided the task into few parts. For my part only, I already reach 7 pages and I can still keep on typing more stuff into it! But I had to stop or else the assignment will turn out into a textbook or something. I think this is the first time I can reach that number of pages quite easily and I’m loving it. I guess the reason is because I enjoy doing assignment that actually require you to think out of the box, think the pros and cons and stuff like that. Before the moral subject,my assignments in uni are always about math and scientific stuff. For that kind of assignment, there’s no way you can argue with the facts because the answer is already there, all have been proven and verified. You can’t argue about the newton’s law or the formula of centrifugal force cause the answer is FINAL. You only need to state it, describe it and give example. But for moral subject, YOU have the choice to determine how’s the outcome, the conclusion and the final verdict. There’s no right or wrong, the subject only wants to know what do you think. And there’s no formulas by some famous ‘botak’ or messy hair geniuses that you need to follow to. So, this subject is like something refreshing and different to me.

     And I found out an interesting stuff while surfing the web for this moral assignment. At first, I thought in Muslim country, if someone is found guilty of raping, he will be buried under the ground until his neck level. That means everything below the neck is under the ground, leaving the head exposed to open spaces. Later, few people will gather and throw stones at him till he die, a painful and slow death. That’s what I thought. But then, I found a website that shows how they actually punish the men that simply ‘poke’ around. After looking at the images, I was speechless and feel disgusted at the same time.

    Before finding this website, my friends and I did joke about this thing long time ago. We said that death sentence is not enough. It’s too fast for them. We need to torture them as slowly and as painful as possible. We thought of many types of punishments that they should received and since this is about rape cases, you should know what type of punishment we were talking about ^^.

    That time, the joke were really funny. But, yesterday, after looking at the images, all those jokes are no longer funny. In fact, I feel bad making fun of it. Wanna know what I saw? Are you sure you are ready for it? Ok, I just gonna describe it as best as I can, without being so disgusting. There were 2 guys holding the rapist and they brought him to the table. The whole thing take place in public, so the table is actually in the middle of the hall. While still holding the man, they put his ‘sausage’ on top of the table and another guy bring out a knife and that knife is really damn long. It look like the knife that is used to cut bread and bakery items. The ‘butcher’ place the knife on top of the ‘sausage’ and without hestitation, he cut the ‘sausage’ into 2 parts! It’s really gross and disturbing!! And the rapist guy was shouting in pain and his face is like “Wahhhhhh, Adoiiiiiiii!!!! Sakit, sakit sakitttttttt!!!! Sakit macam neraka!!!!!!” (Translation: Wahhhhh, Damnnnnn!!! Pain, pain, painnnnnn!!!! Pain like hell!!!!!)  Although it’s only a picture, I can almost ‘hear’ him shouting, just by looking at his expression. My stomach doesn’t feel that good after looking at those pictures..

    The worst part is that there’s actually people gathering around the table just to watch the execution taking place. Crap man… What’s wrong with them? Got nothing else to do? Get some hobby or something.. Why do you have to corrupt your mind by watching it LIVE version? Or maybe they are waiting for their turn?? Nah, just talking crap. I don’t think I want to see those images again. It’s 100% disgusting, unpleasant, gross, nasty and sickening.

    That time, I was listening to music while looking at the pictures. Then I was thinking how it will be like when I looking at the images and I’m listening to the song “It’s Too Late to Apologise” by One Republic. Maybe it’ll be a bit funny and less disgusting. Or maybe “Whataya Want From Me” from Adam Lambert or even “Bleeding Love” by Leona Lewis. XD It might suit the mood. Anyway, I still have the http link for that images but I don’t think I want to corrupt my blog with this kind of stuff. So, if you are really curious about it, maybe you can try typing these keywords in google; “punishment for rapist in Arab”, “syariah law for rapist”, “painful experience for men”, “bye-bye fatherday” or “It’s too late to apologise”. Hope all these can help you to search what you want ^^.          

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Posted by on November 15, 2010 in Uncategorized


Be yourself

    I was reading the newspaper when i came across an article written by Xandria (I think that’s the way to spell her name). She was discussing about the “being yourself” attitude and it’s really interesting to read her point of view about this topic. She said that, from her experiences, people don’t really accept this kind of attitude as they prefer people to act the way they think is right. For example, her friend is a jovial person and would hug almost all the people that she met. She’s just being herself but many people are uncomfortable with her action and there are some thought that she is a weird person.  But still, in the end, the writer said that it’s important to be who you truly are and love yourself no matter what people say about you. Although what she said does make sense, I tend to disagree with her point.

    Can one be truly be themself? No, I don’t think so. Whether you like it or not, I believe there’s no way to be yourself especially when you are approaching the working age. There are many limitations and rules that need you to behave in certain ways, like how you should behave when attending interview or how you should speak to the ‘upper class’ work staffs. Not only in working environment, but in social circle too. I don’t think everyone are truly themself when they are talking or mixing around with friends or even family as there are some personalities that they are not willing to show to others. As for me, I did behave differently when I’m with family compared to when I’m with my friends. And I believe everyone experience the same thing too.

    Many movies now a day, especially Disney movies and dance movies (Step Up, etc), keep on emphasising the importance of being yourself. Yes, it’s true that the idea of being yourself sounds nice, motivating and inspiring but it’s easier said than done. No matter how good you feel of being yourself, other people will only accept what is right for them, not you. 

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Posted by on November 10, 2010 in Uncategorized


Happy 24th Birthday BoA!!

 Every year, I have been looking forward for this day to come. Happy Birthday BoA!!!! This blog post will be a tribute to the lovely BoA. The first time I hear your beautiful song, you were very young, cute and sweet teen, Honestly, at that time, I’m not sure whether can an innocent girl like you will be able to handle the crazy stress load in korean music industry. Few years passed and you have grown up into a fine and beautiful lady. Looking at your success record, I no longer have any doubt on how far you can go. You have achieve so much at a very young age and I’m sure that there’s a very bright future ahead of you. All the best in your career and never give up!

*photo credit: BoA’s House

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Posted by on November 5, 2010 in Uncategorized


Space renovation

    I’m still trying to find the best theme that I like and suit my taste but so far, I can’t find the one that I really like. Some have beautiful theme but super tiny font size. Others have the right font size but super ugly theme. There are those with a nice combination of colour but painful to the eyes after looking at it for some time. I guess I will keep on changing the theme till I find the ‘right’ one for me.

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Posted by on November 1, 2010 in Uncategorized