Monthly Archives: October 2017

Waiting for Elevator

It’s interesting sometimes to see how your mind wanders around while you are doing the usual everyday task, and then how it starts to relate some life lesson into the current task.

For today’s case; waiting for an elevator.

I was waiting for the elevator to reach the level that I’m at, when suddenly I started to think of how similar is this action to how we should respond to the opportunities/challenges in our life. We can keep on pressing the lift button several times for that particular lift but if that lift is faulty or doesn’t seems to be moving no matter how many times you hit that button, it is pointless. You won’t be going anywhere if you still keep waiting for that lift. If you want to get to your desired floor, you will have to switch your concentration to another set of elevator.

Same thing in life; be it trying to get a job in that one prestigious company or chasing after the person who you have a crush on, or even socializing with a new group of people. There is just so much that you can do but if it is not moving or advancing anywhere, perhaps it is wiser to start paying attention to another set of lift.

We are not talking about just giving up when things didn’t go as we planned. It’s about how sometimes in order to advance is to know when to move on.

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Posted by on October 8, 2017 in Uncategorized