Monthly Archives: September 2015

13th Run: IEM Engineer’s Run 2015

The design of the medal for the last year IEM run was just so so only. It was like something that you get for participating in your secondary school sports day. But for this year, not sure whether is it because of the last year feedback from the public, the medal looks so much cooler and engineer-themed like medal. Gotta say that that’s the best design yet among all of my collected medals so far.

Even the location of the run is a lot better than last year, though I couldn’t recall where they held it last year. One thing for sure, 2014 was mainly on public roads, but 2015 is in Perdana Botanical Garden. The place is really beautiful, but unfortunately because of the terrible haze, the garden looks a bit gloomy, with the lack of light and all.

Talking about unfortunate stuff, IEM run don’t really have all the luck like the rest of the running events. In 2014, the running distance was cut short because of the rain and several roads got flooded. This year, the 10km run was cancelled because of the air pollution, leaving only 5km run which is not compulsory for everyone. Hopefully they will have a better luck next year.




See the difference between the 2014 and 2015 medals? If they can keep this up, I can’t wait to see what they have for next year.



My 3rd run with bestie. Both of us managed to win something from the lucky draw; I got a yoga mat (5th place gift) and she got a health wrist gadget (grand prize). In a normal situation, it might seems like it’s not a big deal for someone to win something from the lucky draw. But in this situation, it’s a BIG deal. The possibility is just too damn low.

First of all, there are 1000+ numbers out there, waiting to be called and with only 6 or 7 prizes. The possibility of getting something is already low. To add in more spice, what are the percentage of success for two people who know each other, to get a prize each? Have your head exploded yet from all these? Not yet? Then here’s the last bomb; the lucky number was given at the finishing line and because I was running side by side with her, we got our number almost simultaneously. If i recall correctly, I got 0526 and she got 0161. This means that we arrived at the finishing line just at the right time, lining up to get our lucky number, which turns out got selected during the draw.

And all these got me thinking, about how a small action that you made differently can affect the outcome. After the run, I was wondering all the alternate endings; what if we didn’t dash at the finishing line at the last few meters. Can we still get the prize? What if we accidentally spent more time at the water station? What if we were lining up way back or way front at the starting line? So much mindblown.

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Posted by on September 16, 2015 in Uncategorized