Monthly Archives: April 2012

BoA’s tears in K-Pop Star

For those who may not know, BoA is one of the judges in a reality singing competition called K-Pop Star. This is what she told to the contestant, Ji-min after she sang “You Raise Me Up”.

Ji-min is 16 years old, right?

When I was 16 years old….

I went to Japan alone….

It was also very hard for me

The words I hated hearing was “because she is BoA”

“you can do anything because you are BoA”

“It’s not a problem because you are BoA”

Even though those words really gave me lots of strength, I still hated it

I think you get that too “because she is Ji-min”, “because she always sings well”

While watching you on stage, Ji-min also cried emotionally, I felt so sorry

And I’m so proud of you for performing till the end

People will have more expectations of you because you are Ji-min

And so, there will be times where you hate being you

Although you’re so young, in future you have to be even stronger

Because you are Ji-min, there are things that you definitely can do. I hope to see more of that image.

Because you cried while singing today, your pitch was a little shaky so I gave a slightly lower mark

SM’s grade is….

And she gave her 99%. She’s so sweeeetttt. BoA, nothing can replace you in my heart. ^^

Here are the links if you’re interested to see more.

Thanks to HyeInB4 for uploaded the video with translation


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Posted by on April 23, 2012 in Uncategorized


Test and Tears

       Just finished a lousy test and man… this subject has officially listed in my “Things that shouldn’t exist in this world” (mosquito, cockroaches and bieber are some of it). The lecturer allowed us to bring in any electronic devices and I thought that I could ‘settle’ the test easily. I already saved all the necessary excel sheets and lecture notes to be used later but turns out that I don’t have the time and enough knowledge to use them. Sigh, in the end, I had to depend on my close friend for guidance and it sucks to have other people to do the hard work for your future. I extremely hate the feeling of helplessness.  No matter how I study for this subject, I always couldn’t get it right.


       I always admired this person for having the perseverance to handle the tough thing in life. When everyone was under pressured to copy from their phones to pass the test, the person amazes me by staying true to the principle; “Let’s get what we truly deserve, what we worked for”. The person has always been there for me when I need some support and assistance. The person may not know, but the presence is always what keeps me moving forward instead of backing down. For few years, I viewed the person as a strong and caliber individual. So, it hurts me a lot when I see the person shed tears and it is easily one of the most painful feelings in the world for me to see that. I tried asking the person what had happened but refused to tell, though I know the source but not the reason. I respect the person’s wish and I won’t touch the matter anymore. I don’t want to see the person sad anymore. =(


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Posted by on April 13, 2012 in Uncategorized


Chuck Norris!

Ever heard of Chuck Norris joke before? No? Then you should try reading some of them. They are really funny! I don’t know why some people are so obsessed with him that they created jokes about him. All the jokes are always about his god-like power and all the impossible feats he can do. I only watched his movie once and it was very long time ago. The only thing I can remember is that he got stranded with his group of army in an enemy base. If I recall correctly, all of his comrades died from being tortured by the enemy and he revenge their death by single-handedly kill all the bad guys, with KARATE! Can you imagine that? He destroy the whole troop of trained army with just martial art (Rambo, meet your senior). I think that’s how the obsession began.

These are some of jokes I found online. Enjoy =)

1. When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.

2. Chuck Norris has already been to Mars; that’s why there are no signs of life there.

3. Chuck Norris is currently suing NBC, claiming Law and Order are trademarked names for his left and right legs.

4. Once a grizzly bear threatened to eat Chuck Norris. Chuck showed the bear his fist and the bear proceeded to eat himself, because it would be the less painful way to die.

5. Chuck Norris ordered a Big Mac at Burger King, and got one.

6. Chuck Norris frequently donates blood to the Red Cross. Just never his own.

7. If you want a list of Chuck Norris’ enemies, just check the extinct species list.

8. Chuck Norris does not use spell check. If he happens to misspell a word, Oxford will simply change the actual spelling of it.

9. Aliens do exist. They’re just waiting for Chuck Norris to die before they attack.

10. When Chuck Norris plays hide and seek, even Google can’t find him.

11. When Alexander Bell invented the telephone, he had 3 missed calls from Chuck Norris.

12. Fear of spiders is arachnophobia, fear of tight spaces is claustrophobia, fear of Chuck Norris is called Logic.

13. Chuck Norris doesn’t call the wrong number. You answer the wrong phone.

14. Chuck Norris died 20 years ago, Death just hasn’t built up the courage to tell him yet.

15. Ghosts sit around the campfire and tell Chuck Norris stories.

16. Chuck Norris won American Idol using only sign language.

17. Chuck Norris has a grizzly bear carpet in his room. The bear isn’t dead. It is just afraid to move.

18. Once the cop pulled over Chuck Norris…. the cop was lucky to leave with a warning.

19. Some magician can walk on water, Chuck Norris can swim through land.

20. Chuck Norris won the World Series of Poker using Pokemon cards.

21. Chuck Norris can cut through a hot knife with butter.

22. Chuck Norris and Superman once fought each other on a bet. The loser had to start wearing his underwear on the outside of his pants.

23. Chuck Norris once urinated in a semi truck’s gas tank as a joke. That truck is now known as Optimus Prime.

24. When the president pushes the big red button, Chuck Norris’s cell phone rings.

25. Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.

26. Chuck Norris will never have a heart attack. His heart isn’t nearly foolish enough to attack him.

27. Chuck Norris once got bit by a rattle snake. After three days of pain and agony……………… the rattle snake died.

28. Chuck Norris once kicked a horse in the chin. Its descendants are known today as Giraffes.

29. Chuck Norris puts laughter in manslaughter.

30. The last person to make eye contact with Chuck Norris was Stevie Wonder.

31. Chuck Norris got kicked out of the gym for making the equipment work out.

32. Chuck Norris can strangle you with a cordless phone.

33. Yoda used to be 6 feet tall till he tried that Force crap on Chuck Norris.

34. Chuck Norris won a staring contest against the Mona Lisa.

35. Chuck Norris can speak Braille.

36. When Chuck Norris does pushups, he doesn’t push himself up, he pushes the world down.

37. Chuck Norris puts the FUN in Funeral.



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Posted by on April 4, 2012 in Uncategorized