Monthly Archives: November 2013

Disappointing Trip to Motor Show ><

I can’t say that I don’t like cars but I’m not the type of person who purposely travel to motor show just to see luxury cars being displayed. The only reason I chose to go this year was because I got to know that Julie Woon will be there. Last year, I managed to have a picture with her during my intern company’s annual dinner. It was around this time of the month too and it would be so cool if I can get another picture for this year.

So I went there from my workplace, hoping that she will still be there when I arrived. After paying for the ticket entrance, I walk to the ticket collection booth and the walkway was divided into two, a lane for entering and a lane beside it is for exiting. As I was walking along the path to enter the first exhibition hall, feeling so excited to meet her, all of the sudden, I saw her walking at the opposite lane. We basically walk pass each other and I stop midway to see her exiting at the door which I have just enter. Just like that, the hope and dream crushed into tiny little pieces. That time, I was so tempted to call out her name, just to have her attention. But she was surrounded with a group of her friends and the line was packed with visitors.

The most frustrating part was because I work overtime in my office. My work shift ends at 5.45pm but I stayed until 7.10pm to complete my work. I thought it was okay to leave this late cause I assume she will be there till 9pm. If only I leave office at exactly the time, I wouldn’t miss that chance….. Gahhh, just thinking about it makes me wanna kick myself in the nuts.



In case there is someone who don’t know who is the beautiful Julie Woon, here’s the picture of her. After seeing this picture, do you understand my pain now? ><

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Posted by on November 22, 2013 in Uncategorized


The First Week in the Office

So here’s the ‘official’ report for the first week at work. For most people, going to work for the first time might be a very surprising experience or eye opening experience but somehow for me, it just felt a bit like deja vu. It’s almost the same thing like my internship and I can easily predict what comes next. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, in fact, it’s really helpful to get the rough idea on what’s going to happen.

They give you a form to fill in, take you around to meet all the staffs, show you your desk, the IT guy comes later to brief you about all the tech stuffs and that’s it. And the first task I’ve been given is to check whether the flat slab is able to withstand the new loading due to renovation. Secondly is to do the column load taking for the same purpose as well. I done several mistakes because of my own ignorance but I going to do better next time. My senior, Liew, have been real nice to me and I won’t let her down. Gambatte!!

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Posted by on November 17, 2013 in Uncategorized


First Day at Work =D

I want to write more for this post but I’m too tired to think and type now. I just want to create this post to permanently record the date when I first started a new kind of journey. I guess I will only start typing by the end of this week, as a sort of official report for the first week. Meanwhile, take care to those started this journey as well. =D


Posted by on November 11, 2013 in Uncategorized