Monthly Archives: April 2011

Study study

Study week starts today and this coming Friday will be the 1st final exam for this year. Like usually, there are a lot of distractions around the house, especially the internet and Astro. Astro starts showing cool movies and its hard for me to let go of my lappy for more than a day to revise. I’m trying really hard to ignore the urge to switch on my lappy cause if I do, I going to waste my time playing with it. And I need to stop procrastinating!

My relatives visited my home today and so I choose to hide in my room to study. They were in the living room, chatting with my mum and seriously, these people (relatives) can really talk non stop. They can talk about almost everything and the only time they stop talking is when they go toilet or drinking tea. Even though I’m in the other room, I can hear what they said clearly but they don’t seem to realize it cause suddenly, I’m a part in their discussion. So, the whole afternoon, they were talking about why the back of the fridge is black in color, why my family didn’t subscribe to chinese language programs in Astro, which recipe books my mom had collected, etc. Even the innocent neighbours are dragged into the conversation. Actually, it’s not all that bad. I learned some weird and cool but not proven facts from them. I learned that eating chicken wings can cause cancer in women and fish without scales (example: ikan bawal putih. I don’t know how to say it in english) are dangerous to human health.

That’s all for now. Gonna stop blogging till my final examinations are over. All the best to those taking the exam!! =D

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Posted by on April 25, 2011 in Uncategorized


PC fair, assignment and random stuff.

PC fair

After the Japanese class finished, few of my friends and I went to PC fair and as usual, I went back home empty handed except some thick flyers collected to sell to the ‘tau pau pu chin, old newspaper!’ guy (I’m not cheap skate, i just being environmental friendly ^^). My friends do bought some stuffs there but for me, I prefer buying things from a ‘fixed’ shop instead of the temporary stall which will be gone in few days time. It’s a bit crowded there and bringing a backpack while shoving around is one of the stupid decisions I’ve made. Those crowds have this weird habit, they don’t push you physically but they prefer pushing your bag. Hate it man. I was walking halfway, there’s a guy coming from other direction and I tried walking other side to let him pass through. When I thought I manage to avoid from crashing him, the bugger took a sharp turn and bang my bag. After that, another bugger bang my bag, and soon more and more people start banging my bag. It’s like there’s a sticker on my bag saying, “Please bang me, I’m lonely”. It’s a good thing that pregnant women have baby in front instead of behind, so that those mindless walking zombies won’t simply bang them. (it’s a total crap but I just can’t help it, to think nonsense stuff ><)  To sum everything up, these are some of the things that I saw and experience there: the weird and crazy celcom promoters, saw some old friends and a relative there but didn’t manage to say hi, all the different mobile networks provider lining up to persuade you to sign up their broadband service, the beautiful models with cool outfits but extremely thick make up, and lastly, the multitask P1 Max promoter who can talk and spit some saliva at the same time.


I will never learn my lesson, every time last-minute do assignments since secondary school. This time is the worst one, I think. I don’t know why I can’t get rid of this kind of attitude; to do the assignment during the due date week. It has become a habit and it’s getting worse ><. For now, the only assignment that I’m going to mention here is the geotechnical assignment, as a way of saying thanks to those who have been helping me with it without hesitation. A special thanks to a friend who gave me the softcopy of the autocad software, 2 gals for helping me in solving the autocad thingy, the lecturer for guiding me in this assignment and last but not least, my one and only one helpful team-mate. There are 4 other people in my group but this particular person have always been there to help me with it. Whenever I wanted to consult the lecturer about the assignment, he will automatically accompany me while the rest of my members will ALWAYS have other important things to do. In fact, he’s the one who actually asked me when to start the assignment and this action alone shows that he do care about the assignment’s progress. Without him around the group, I don’t think I can cope with this assignment alone. It really mean a lot to me when things are going tough and there’s someone backing you up. Thanks Zheng Yong!

Random stuff

1.    Never ever ever use Listerine when you have a ulser inside your mouth. My dad had been using it the past few months but I only decided to try it recently. And that ‘recently’ is when I have an ulcer and I forgot about it that time. The clear, transparent, green liquid look so refreshing and cool and so, i took the cap, filled it until half full (or half empty) and pour the liquid into my mouth. At first, I expect a burst of freshness from it but the one I get is the burst of pain. The liquid is really spicy and the painful feeling from the ulcer is like “fuyohhhhhhhh, sakit gila”. I don’t think I will touch that chemical again.

2.    Few days ago, met a kind soul who donate money to beggars on the street at Masjid Jamek station. Everyone else was just walking in front of the beggars without looking at them (me included…) but this lady stopped halfway, took out her purse and donate some money to them. At that time, there were 3 beggars, one playing violin (how can he afford to buy a violin, a microphone and an electronic speaker??), another one tried to sell tissue paper and the third one is the sleeper, who sleep whole day. She donated to all three of them and seeing this kind gesture, maybe humanity have a hope after all.

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Posted by on April 17, 2011 in Uncategorized


The Five People You Meet in Heaven

Title: The Five People You Meet in Heaven

   This is one of the novel that a friend of mine borrowed to me. At a first glance at the title of the novel, I didn’t feel like reading it because of the word “Heaven” as I thought the story will be mostly about Christianity thingy and all those religious stuff. But then I decided to just give it a try, by reading the first few chapters and see how it goes. And you know what? I didn’t regret for turning those pages. The novel is totally one of the best I have read so far!

“This is a story about a man named Eddie and it begins at the end, with Eddie dying in the sun. It might seem strange to start a story with an ending. But all endings are also beginnings. We just don’t know it at the time.”

    That’s the first paragraph for the novel and after reading it, it immediately capture my attention. Once finished reading the first chapter, I just want to keep on reading to find out what happen next. But with all the unfinished assignments and tests on hand, I have to force myself to stop reading it and limit my reading to 2 chapters a day. It’s really torturing to read a novel that way, because once I have reached the chapters limit that I had set, the suspense is there and it’s hard to control the urge to flip to the next chapter to find out what’s going to happen next.

        The summary of the novel: The main character, Eddie, died while trying to save a girl from being crush by a fun fair cart (it’s something like the Space Shot in genting). He arrived at heaven and he meet the five people who have directly or indirectly affect his life on Earth. Each person he met has a story to tell him, which are mostly about why he lived, and what he lived for. By listening to all those stories, he learned that everything in his life happens for a reason. It’s a heart-warming story and I feel pity of his relationships with his father. His father loves him but he just doesn’t show it as he believe in the concept of tough love.

(Don’t judge the book by its cover. The front cover may look very boring and dull but the after finish reading the novel, you will see this book in a different perspective)

To end this post, I will share with you one of my favourite quotes from the novel: “Sometimes when you sacrifice something precious, you’re not really losing it. You’re just passing it on to someone else”.

Rating: 8/10

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Posted by on April 7, 2011 in Uncategorized