Monthly Archives: December 2012

The End of 13 Weeks Internship Training (SMHB).


My working station.


Interior of the office.


My fellow mentors: Jason (brown), Yee Ting (the only female), Keet Leong (red black) and Heng (blue white).


Two seniors who are also Utarian.


And this dedicated and kind lady, who make the toilet sparkly clean and creamy coffee.

Will definitely miss the working environment and the people there. Felt so peaceful working there rather than mixing around with all the emo people in university.


Posted by on December 28, 2012 in Uncategorized


Kirtash Home Visit 01.12.2012

The company that I’m doing my industrial training in will be celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year. Hence, in conjunction to that special celebration, one of the activities conducted was a visit to Kirtash Home. I immediately agree to join the event since I enjoyed giving something back to the society. At first, I thought it was just an ordinary orphanage and old folks home. Little did I know that it was actually a home for mentally challenged and children and adults with special needs, though they accept normal children as well.

It was a very depressing trip. I had never seen so many special kids with my own two eyes before and this kind of thing make you grateful with what you have. Despite the common belief that a mentally disable child can be very violent with little provocation, I find the truth is very far from it. The children there were very friendly and eager to shake your hand and ask for your name.

I’m not going to talk much here, I’ll let the pictures tell the stories themselves.


Some of the items donated.

Some of the items donated by the company.


My fellow mentor helping out to carry the loads.

My fellow mentor helping out to carry the loads.

Picture time! =D

Unloading the stuffs from the car into the office.


All the items were bought from nearby grocery store. They will be transported from the office to the Kirtash Home.


The name of the center.

The name of the center.

The 3 of us were trying to repair the structure to prevent rain from coming in.

The 3 of us were trying to repair the structure to prevent rain from coming in.

Tada! The finished outcome.

Tada! The finished outcome.




The lovely children.

The lovely children.





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Posted by on December 4, 2012 in Uncategorized