Monthly Archives: June 2014

Reading Life Like a Book

If I’m not mistaken, a month ago till now, I managed to finish reading two novels while travelling to and from my office. And I have to say, that two novels really got me hooked with the storyline. It’s been a while since I last read a really good novel and I’ll be posting on that two novels soon enough, for the sake of memory =D

For now, speaking about books, I suddenly remember about this cool post that I came across a long time ago. It’s something like this:

“What if a person hands you a giant book and when you start reading it, you realize that it’s a book about your entire life. Would you read it to the end?

What if, by the time you read it up to where you are now, there’s only 3 pages left? Would you still continue reading it?”

So what would you do if you find yourself in such situation? For me, to be able to read what’s going to happen to you, is both tempting and scary as well. Tempting because of curiosity and scary because you wouldn’t want to read a very tragic ending. In fact, it can be very demotivating as well. Imagine reading the chapters until present time, and as you keep on reading, you got bored of reading because everything is repeating. Chapter 32: I went to office, work, eat, work, go back home and sleep. Chapter 33: I woke up, went to office, work, eat, work, go back home and sleep. Only then you realize that your life is a repeating cycle. Maybe for this case, ignorance is really a bliss.

But the one cool fact about being able to read your life like a book is to able to read about the person around you. You can read about their feelings, facial expressions and their appearance that you seldom thought about. It will be even cooler if you manage to get a hand on your friend’s life book and read about how they really think about you.

So I guess to have such book in your hand, it will be a gift and a curse at the same time.

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Posted by on June 29, 2014 in Uncategorized


Masayume Chasing by BoA =D

bk 4007

bk 4008

bk 4009


Masayume Chasing, BoA’s latest MV!! =D

I always look forward for her coming MV because seriously, there’s nothing better than hearing and watching her singing/dancing at the same time. The another reason is to see how much she has grown/matured into a fine lady. If Harry Potter’s fan enjoy watching the movies because they get to see the characters mature into adulthood, the same applies to me as well. Every MV she made represent how much she’s been through. Her popularity might decreases with time as more younger girl groups started to join in the industry but she will forever hold the title “The Queen of K-POP”. =D

bk 0168Note: One of her earlier MV. The comparison of then and now.


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Posted by on June 20, 2014 in Uncategorized


Found My Kind

It was during my company’s tea break and new staff introduction that I get to talk a little bit more to the new intern, Melissa. And guess what I found out on that day. She’s a banana! (surprise in a good kind of way). Finally! Finally I found my kind, someone like me, who can’t speak chinese. =D

People always told me they have this kind of friend but I have never actually met 1 myself until that day. Since the first day she came in, she always speak in english but I didn’t thought much about it because I know she went to international university. We talked more about it and we share the common regret; of not learning mandarin since young. I got my own story and she has her own story. It’s cool. I don’t feel so ‘alone’ anymore =D

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Posted by on June 14, 2014 in Uncategorized


2nd Run: Score Run 2014




My second marathon for this year, and did you see that medal? So shiny……

Compare to the first one, this run is even more tiring and I never push myself that hard before. It was because there are a number of upward slopes and the slopes doesn’t seem to end. I tried listening to songs this time, hoping that it will distract me from the running distance but it just help a bit. You need to be very focus if you want to distract yourself but my mind keep on thinking about how many more kilometers left. And when I think about that, I’ll start to think about how tired is my legs, whether can I still run non stop. Once I start to think about that, well, I feel even more tired and tempted to just walk the whole way. I did stop a few times to catch my breath but in comparison to the previous race, I got a slightly better timing. Hopefully the next one would be even better.

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Posted by on June 8, 2014 in Uncategorized


Environmental Day in 1 Utama

I got to know about this event because Julie Woon posted it on her FB page. I already miss taking photo with her during the Motor Road show in PWTC, and I’m not going to let this chance slip by. (side note: of course I go there for environmental cause as well. Julie is an extra motivator XD). This time, I went there with my close uni friend, and it has been a long time since I last see her and hear her voice. Gosh, I miss her.

So basically, we reached there quite early and I was extremely thankful that we did that. At first, i thought of going at noon but she managed to convinced me to reach there as early as possible. And luckily we did. The event started quite early, and it was around noon when Julie started to make a move. And since we reached there quite early, we actually sat at the place for journalists. Everyone was either holding a camera or notes of the event in their hands. I think we’re the only visitors that sat for the opening ceremony. Nevertheless, the opening performances were quite okay, but a big thumb up for the sibling that performed their final instrumental cover of Michael Jackson’s “Beat It”. Really enjoy that cover. =D

Once all of that is over, it’s time to select our very own free potted plant to bring back home. We both chose the same species of plant and hopefully, it will grow into one beautiful plant.


Tadaa!! To finally able to take picture with Julie, it’s worth the time spent just sitting throughout the whole opening ceremony. And of course, to make this pic more special, I have Ting San with me. =D


After that, we went for lunch, watch Edge of Tomorrow, walk around the Secret Garden (not secret anymore) and end the day with cups of coffee and cakes. Thank you for today! =)



And that’s the plant that we chose. Trust me, it looks way better when we first chose. Maybe it was because we took it around the mall for almost the whole day and hence, it started to look like it’s going to die. I’m not losing hope. You can do it, my adopted plant. We made a deal that one month from now, we will see each other plant, see who can take care of it better. You have to stay strong for me, my planty!

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Posted by on June 7, 2014 in Uncategorized