Monthly Archives: June 2011

Doing something good for the society =p

I always wanted to take part in any charity or community work, just to have a feel of it. I mean, I watched a lot of reality shows on television and almost every time when somebody does something good for the society, at the end of the show, everyone will hug each other with tears in their eyes, expressing their gratitude for the person’s hard work, etc. It’s really touching to see this kind of stuff on television but can this really happen in reality? Especially in Malaysia?

This coming Saturday, a church in Wangsa Maju will organised a community work to collect recyclable items from Taman Bunga Raya’s residents and sell them to scrap collector (is it correct to call them that? Scrap collector?). The profit collected will be donated to a charity, which the identity is still remain unknown. I decided to join them in their effort and this will be my 6th charity work if you can consider the donating money to ‘tabung bencana’ for 5 years in secondary school as charity too. The first time they told me about it, I asked them why do they want to collect recyclable items and sell since the profit collected will be a very small amount. Why not make some cupcakes and sell? And they told me, “It’s not the money that counts. It’s the intention and the effort that you put into it that matters”. =.= Speechless…. They have such a positive thinking while me, I keep thinking on how many people who are actually willing to just give their recyclable items to strangers when they themselves can sell them on their own and keep the money.

Lets just see how it goes on that day, see how much money can be collected, how many people who will contribute to this cause, and whether will the TBR’s residents hug us while crying and say, “Thank you so much for taking all that junks from my house! Now that my house is clear of them, I can finally see sunlight enter my house! Thank you!!” Get the joke? Get it? No?? Sigh, I watched too many reality shows..

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Posted by on June 28, 2011 in Uncategorized


The Big Four, Twilight Zone and Kindred Spirit

After spending most of the time sitting at lrt reading novels, finally I managed to finish read three novels for the past few months. It feels really great to complete a task, even as small as reading a novel, and the sense of accomplishment that comes from reading is fulfilling. The first book, The Big Four, was recommended by a friend and I was done reading it last semester. The other two novels, Twilight Zone and Kindred Spirit were for this semester and it was the first time I finished reading 2 novels in less than 3 weeks. But it do come with a price; I didn’t do any revision and I’m a bit left behind in some of my subjects. Need to change my reading habit.

1) The Big Four

I read Agatha Christie’s work before (it was recommended by the same friend) and I was impressed by her work. But for this novel, it didn’t reach my expectation. It wasn’t that bad but wasn’t that good either. The main character, Hercule Poirot, is some sort of another version of Sherlock Holmes, and after saying this, you can easily guess that the whole story is about the detective catching bad guy using his intelligence and supreme IQ level. Stories with detective as the theme is one of my favourites and I look up to the characters that can use brain power instead of brute strength to defeat the baddies. However, I don’t like Hercule Poirot at all (hate him a little bit) cause he is just too cocky and a show off. I admit that he’s really smart but do he have to mention it in almost every chapter? He even treat his friend like an inferior being and his favourite saying to his friend is “Please use your little grey cells”. Somehow, I feel that the reason he’s still alive in the story and managed to escape from death is mainly because of his luck, not his little grey cell. There’s a part in the novel when the enemies successfully captured him and his friend and before killing them, they gave Poirot a final wish. Poirot asked for a cigarette in his pocket and suddenly, his cigarette becomes a weapon! I was like, “What the….. Like that also can???” Overall, it’s just okay.

Rating: 5/10


2) Twilight Zone

There are 2 short stories in this novel, which were adapted from screen play. Since you can read the synopsis at the back cover of the book, I’m not going to write much about it. The first story, about a guy being brought back to the past, was boring at first. But once I reach at the middle of the story, it becomes more interesting and I like how the story end with a sentimental feeling. The second story wasn’t as good as the first one but it was way scarier. VirtuaCorp has this weird concept as they believed that those who were found guilty in killing deserve more than a lock up in jail. So they created a machine that can torture a person through his/her dream and they tested it on the pool cleaner, who is guilty of killing the man who hired him. Since the pool guy was sentenced to 25 years in jail, they put him through 25 different dream scenarios, each dream more horrifying than the previous. By the end of the ‘treatment’, the guy can no longer differentiate what’s real and what’s not. Creepy..

Rating: 7/10


3) Kindred Spirit

Another theme that I enjoy reading: supernatural. The story begin with this 2 girls, who were an identical twin and they shared a bond so close that they can read each other minds, communicate through telepathy and they can sense each other’s feeling as well. Flash forward a few years later, one of the sister, Heather, was brutally murder and the cops can’t find the killer behind this. Hallie, the remaining twin, was visiting her sister’s memorial site one year later after her death. This is when Heather’s spirit appear and tried to communicate with Hallie, trying to warn her that she will be the next victim. Another creepy novel and the way the villain killed Heather is totally gross.

There is a paragraph in the novel which I find very meaningful and I just have to post it here so that my dear reader will have something deep to think about =D.

“They say time heals all wounds”, Agatha Selby said, turning her firm gaze on Hallie. “But that’s a lie, dear, plain and simple. Time doesn’t heal all wounds. Not wounds of heart or wounds of the spirit. Those run deep, and all time does is cover the surface. A little emotional scratching -a photograph, a smell, a date on the calendar and they’re as fresh and raw as ever”.

Rating: 7/10

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Posted by on June 19, 2011 in Uncategorized


Mixed up stuffs

I got a few random stuffs to post and to put each as an individual post will be too silly. So I will just jumble up everything here, writing about stuffs that happened a few days ago.

1) Ever experience a deja-vu before? During a speaking program, we were asked to gather in a small room to have play some games. I was just standing there when suddenly, I had this really weird feeling, like I experienced it before. Everything looks so familiar and I feel like I repeated a scene from a past but just couldn’t point out when it happen. It’s a bit hard for me to explain through words, so here a definition from wiki: Déjà vu is the experience of feeling sure that one has already witnessed or experienced a current situation, even though the exact circumstances of the previous encounter are uncertain and were perhaps imagined. Soon after that weird ‘flashes’, I got a cold shiver and it’s a really creepy feeling..

2) This semester can eat rubbish already. All the subjects also I’m not interested in except Autocad and hydrology. Autocad is cool cause I can do what I want and for hydrology, I kinda like the way the lecturer teach. He actually explain every term and he didn’t expect the student to know everything. Thermodynamic… I don’t think I have anything good to said about it. The lecturer was a bit weird to me: he laughed occasionally for no good reasons and his habit of arranging chairs while teaching is very disturbing. Fluid mechanics II.. the lecturer is pretty but I can’t stay awake in her class. Reinforced concrete design… haiz, trying to think positive for this subject. I can’t catch up with the lecturer’s speed of teaching. Basic Econ… since I took this subject before in foundation, I hope this will become a bonus mark to boost up my cgpa. Really hoping for the best for this sem ><

3) It seem like Americans don’t really like ‘soft food’. Maybe they are not used to it since their diet consist mainly on solid foods such as burger, steak and chicken chop. So seeing them eating tofu for the first time is really funny!! Their expressions were totally priceless! From their face, eating tofu is like eating sour grapes. A simply classic LOL moment.

4) Nowaday, I got tired and sleepy pretty easily. I guess my lifestyle has something to do with it. Hmm, gonna try to improve that. And for my student life in uni now, I’m not really comfortable with the way it’s heading. The more I force myself to forget and to just let go of it, the more I’m obsess to it. Since I am still hanging on to it and refuse to release it, the outcome become more obvious as days go by.


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Posted by on June 10, 2011 in Uncategorized


20th Birthday!! ^^

It was last Saturday but now only I have the mood to post it. Hmm, it seem like I’m no longer a teenager anymore and now evolving into the young adult phase. Not being a teenager means that I don’t have any reason to rebel anymore.. Besides, if I commit any crime now, I’ll be charged under the adult category instead of under juvenile. People’s expectation on me will increased and have to be serious now, no more play play and childish behaviour. Man… why do I keep on thinking on negative stuffs.. It supposed to be a joyful day, the day when a kind and gentle soul was born into this world 20 years ago =p (syok sendiri). Anyway, the thing that I love about birthday (besides the cake and the presents) is that it’s the time to reflect back what I had experience and gone through for the past 1 year since the last birthday. Most people prefer to do that on New Year day but for me, birthday is for flash back while new year day is for making fake new year resolutions.

I really enjoyed my birthday this year, thanks to my friends and especially to my family ^^. A big thank you to those who wishes me happy birthday, either through face-to-face, sms, facebook, cards, and calls. Really appreciate it! =D

Here are the photos taken and since a picture speaks a thousand words, I’m not going to write much for each photo unless necessary.

Having dinner with my family. Question: Try to guess which one is me, my father, my mother and my younger sister. Easy right? Or too difficult? If still can’t figure it out, the answer is in this website:  My elder sis can’t join in together since she is in kampar now. So, its kinda sad to celebrate without her but the happy part is that I can have a larger portion of the meal ^^.

Though I’m not a football fan, it’s a personal gift from my father, which make it extra special to me. (it’s a limited edition too =D) I LOVE IT SO MUCH!! Thanks dad!!! Wanna give you a big hug and kisses on cheek but my dad and I know that it’s not macho for guys to do it. Guys understand each other through stare and words, not action. =p











Nah, the photo of the luxury car is a fake one. I posted it just for the fun of it and to mess with you guys. I maybe 20 years old now but I’m still very young at heart =). Besides, it’s nothing wrong for a guy to dream big, right? Who knows, maybe on my next birthday, my dad win lottery and for some unknown reasons, he decided to buy it for me. Which will be very cool, if only I have my driving licence.. ><

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Posted by on June 6, 2011 in Uncategorized