Monthly Archives: July 2013

I’ll miss you, Andrea Sanchez!!! (LST 2013)

I’m glad that I chose her that night. It was a gut feeling that told me that she will help me a lot in the coming 6 weeks.

She is the first person who really corrected my pronunciation.

And she is the first person I ever told my real feelings to. I always keep it within me, and refuse to talk about it with my close friends as I know that they can be judgmental and just by knowing it can sometimes be a burden for them. But she gave me the feeling of security, that I can trust her 100% with my gloomy secret.

Lastly, she is also the first person where I felt really sad to see her go. Normally I don’t get emotional to send people off as that’s part of life. But it’s a different case for her. I got choked with sadness this morning and tried hard to look normal. I’ll miss her so much and it won’t be the same anymore in the church especially in the room where we done our reading sessions.

I’ll miss Ginny, Matthew and Cary too. Ginny, I’ll miss your joke, your contagious laughter and all your funny facial expressions. Matthew, I’ll miss playing all the games with you. And last but not least, I’ll miss Cary for his sarcastic jokes. Thank you guys!!







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Posted by on July 8, 2013 in Uncategorized