Monthly Archives: February 2018

As Built Submission for 1st Project



It has been 3 years and finally I’m able to submit it officially and remove that burden from my shoulder. The design work and construction was completed in the year 2015 but the paperwork for CCC application had been delayed for so long, due to the sub-contractor’s tendency of not replying to our queries and keep submitting the same documents despite us telling them the correct documents that we need.

This as built calculation means a lot to me as it is the very first project that my first senior, Ms Liew, gave to me to handle on my own. However, she is still there to give me advice and technical help when I need it.

Unlike other project where there’s other people contribution, this compilation is 100% my design calculation, blood, sweat and a fair amount of tears as well. As I was compiling all the calculation sheets, I reflect back on all those time I keep on revising on my design, the tedious work of checking the existing structure’s capacity and meeting all those tight dateline.

Despite all that, I gotta say that I learned a few important lessons from handling this project. And the one memory that I will always cherish from this is the compliment from my principal; when I gave him my draft memo for him to review before sending it out. Few moments later, he came over to my place, return the draft copy and said, “Good. It’s well written.” It’s the first and the only verbal compliment that I have received from him so far XD

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Posted by on February 13, 2018 in Uncategorized